Kingdom Wiki

Chu & Zhao is the 259th chapter of the Kingdom manga.


Shin and Ten are shocked and surprised at the sight of Zhao Great General and Prime Minister, Ri Boku, that they nearly gave away their location. Kaine then informs Ri Boku that the preparations are compete and they then depart. Seki goes back to the Hi Shin Unit to inform the Commanders that Shin and Ten are going to chase after Ri Boku, because he wanted to confirm with his own eyes what he is up to. Also, Shin wants them to get ready to charge the enemy at a moment's notice. When Shin senses people nearby, he has Ten wait, while he goes to investigate. He finds a tent, and then steps out Ri Boku with a mysterious man. Shin is then attacked by Kaine. She and Ri Boku recognize him and wonder what he's doing there. Ri Boku apologies to the mysterious man, calling Shin an acquaintance. The man then orders his poison archer to not kill Shin. And they take their leave. They then capture Shin and Ten. Shin then asks Ri Boku who the mysterious man was, Ri Boku tells him that it has nothing to do with him. Later it is revealed the man is actually the state of Chu Prime Minister, Shun Shin Kun. When Rin Bu Kun ask if they were discussing a Chu-Zhao Alliance. Shun Shin Kun informs him that they underestimate Ri Boku too much, and he is far more terrifying than they can imagine. They cut to Shin and Ri Boku alone. Ri Boku informs Shin that an alliance really is a convenient thing. And thanks to the Qin-Zhao Alliance that's in place, Shin was unable to put a hand on him, though he must be burning for revenge. He informs Shin the purpose of an alliance is not simply for the sake of preventing an enemy from attacking you. Rather, importance lies in what you can obtain after the alliance. As well as your actions after the alliance. Shin then asks if that's the case didn't Qin come out ahead? Since they acquired a huge strategical stronghold in the area of Sanyou. And Zhao wasn't really able to grab that much territory in their war with Yan. Ri Boku tells him so long as he continues to believe that acquiring territory is all there's to warfare, he will never be able to defeat him in his life. He then challenges Shin to a duel, and if he wins, he will divulge all his plans to him.






  • First appearance of Koku Shi.


Sei Kyou's Rebellion Arc Keiyou Campaign Arc Escape from Zhao Arc Assassination Plot Arc Training Arc
Battle of Bayou Arc Alliance Arc Third Faction Arc Sanyou Campaign Arc Sanyou Aftermath Arc
Coalition Invasion Arc Kyou Kai's Revenge Arc Conspiracy in the Court Arc Fire Dragons of Wei Arc Ai Country Rebellion Arc
Kokuyou Campaign Arc Bureaucrats Job Arc Western Zhao Invasion Arc Zhao Crisis Arc War of the Three States Arc
Shiyuu Conflict Arc Battle of Eikyuu Arc Zhao's Retaliation Arc Nature Of Humanity Arc Hango Campaign Arc